Sunday, October 12, 2008


Alright, So I know since the D.S.B. show got canceled you all might think this is totally bogus and fake. I've checked deskonocidos myspace and they've got it marked under their calender so I'm gonna take their word on it. For those of you who are not familiar with Inepsy and Lebenden toten let me give you the the quick low down.

Inepsy are basically legendary crustys who have an extremely similar riff-rock sound to the almighty famous, Motorhead. Inepsy can be described as perfecting hardcore punk by blending it with a bit of crust and combining components of Discharge/Motorhead.

All in all you've got flower-pretty solos that grab you by the neck and slap you, the echoed chants and screams that sound like Lemmy of Motorhead and f'n fast sweet drum beats that go along perfectly with the sound.

Hands down my favorite band of whatever genre you wanna call them.

Now i'm not too familiar with lebenden toten because i've only heard their 8 tracks demo and probably only played it about 3 times. Anyway, they are a female fronted anarcho band from portland, oregon with members of atrocious madness. Need I repeat myself? Yes, FEMALE FRONTED! Their name translates to "living dead".

I've always been a sucker for female vocals because the screams always sound so intense/clear and females always do it best in my opinion.Lebenden toten's sound is super distorted with blast beats all over the place, on-beat raging vocals, and lots of feedback.


Here's the lineup(not in any specific order these are just the bands playing).
Porkeria( members of BSA and ESNC)
Drastic Actions(straight up punk from corpus christi)
Deskonocidos (spanish punk, sounds like a mixture of peligro social and eskorbuto)
Lebenden Toten(raw noisy anarcho punk from Portland, Oregon)
Inepsy(Motorhead influenced legends)

I'm more than sure Inepsy and Lebenden toten will never come back down again so all you punx take advantage of this because it is gonna be the best show to ever happen in the valley. THE BEST!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey remember that taking back sunday is coming down

so i don't know about the best

